Welcome to the Secondary Stage at Dubai British School Jumeira, which is initially opening for Year 7 in August 2025. Secondary education comprises three Key Stages; Key Stage 3 (Year 7 – 9), Key Stage 4 (Year 10-11) and Key Stage 5 (Year 12-13 – often referred to collectively as the Sixth Form). Whilst this long journey will eventually see students narrow their focus, specialise in their preferred subjects and set the path for their life beyond DBSJ, the first stage of it (KS3) should be full of creativity, joy and wonder, as they embark on a journey of discovery about themselves and the world they inhabit through a concept-based, interconnected curriculum.
Secondary School is a notable change from the Primary approach as they will visit different subject specialists, instead of their learning being supported by one classroom teacher. Despite this, we want our Secondary learning experience to encourage students to see the connections between subjects and consider the concepts that bind them, rather than see them as discrete subjects. When walking from, for example, an English classroom to our Design Technology space, we want the students to feel like the two subjects are ‘joined up’ – and our experienced educators will facilitate this through the skillful planning of a well–thought–out, interwoven curriculum.
This approach to curriculum design aims not only to nurture intellectual growth but also cultivate a deep appreciation for the nature of society and the role we have in it. This builds on the love of learning that will have been fostered through a strong primary programme and will allow students to fulfil their potential, whether it be on a vocational or academic journey through the externally assessed milestones at age 16 and age 18.
The focus of the inclusive Secondary School is aimed at supporting every student, whether they choose a traditional academic route culminating in A-levels or a more tailored bespoke curriculum, possibly including BTEC courses at age 16 or age 18.
Whatever path the students take through the Secondary School, they will be cared for by staff who are committed to developing their emotional literacy and moral growth through a pastoral programme that will ensure DBSJ is a place where students have fun, can take risks, safely make mistakes, be authentic and care deeply about those around them, both inside the school and beyond.
As we work towards our first cohorts opening in August 2025, we encourage you to reach out for a visit where you will likely meet with me to ask any questions you might have. I feel sure a visit to our school and the accompanying conversation will inspire you to join an already fantastic community at an exhilarating time in DBSJ’s development.